Controlling Blood Sugar Through Food Sequencing

Controlling Blood Sugar Through Food Sequencing

Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is an important part of diabetes management and overall wellness. While diet and exercise play roles, the order in which we consume foods can also significantly impact post-meal blood glucose spikes and drops. By strategically sequencing our daily meals, it’s possible to achieve steadier blood sugar control without having to dramatically change what we eat.


Understanding Food Sequencing

Food sequencing refers to the order in which various nutrients are consumed during a meal. The basic idea revolves around consuming foods that have a minimal impact on blood sugar before those that may cause a spike. By strategically sequencing foods, individuals can potentially mitigate the glycemic response of their meals, leading to more stable blood sugar levels throughout the day.


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The Role of Macronutrients

Macronutrients, namely carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, each elicit a different effect on blood sugar levels:

  • Carbohydrates: Carbohydrate-containing foods have the most significant impact on blood sugar levels as they are broken down into glucose during digestion.
  • Proteins: Proteins have a relatively minor effect on blood sugar levels, but they can influence glycemic response when consumed in conjunction with carbohydrates.
  • Fats: Fats slow down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, potentially blunting the rise in blood sugar levels.


Implementing Food Sequencing for Blood Sugar Control

  1. Proteins First

Prioritizing protein intake before carbohydrates in meals can help control blood sugar levels. Proteins (and especially whey protein) boost insulin and slow gastric emptying, reducing the carb impact on glucose levels.


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For example, at breakfast, finish your eggs or Greek yogurt 30 minutes prior to toast. For lunch, layer sandwich fillings so protein is eaten before the bread.


  1. Front-Loading Fiber

Soluble fiber from oats, lentils, berries and other whole foods binds with sugar molecules in the digestive tract, easing their release into the blood. Focusing fiber-rich options at the start of a meal delays and reduces the carb surge. Opt for vegetable or bean soups before sandwiches, salads prior to pasta dishes, and fruit smoothies followed by toast with nut butter.



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It’s also wise to spread out servings of high-fiber whole grains like brown rice and quinoa throughout the day rather than eating them all at once to avoid excessive fermentation.


  1. Including Fat and Protein

Adding healthy fats, nut butters or avocado to carb-heavy foods slows the metabolic effect. For example, dip whole grain toast into hummus or slices of cheese instead of eating it dry. Choose oil-based salad dressings over vinegar-focused ones with meals. All protein sources provide the same benefits of delaying carbs as well.


  1. Timing Snacks Accordingly

Incorporating two small, nutritious snacks containing protein or fiber between meals provides consistency. Good snack choices are nuts and seeds, yogurt, hard-boiled eggs, fresh fruit or vegetable slices with nut butter. They optimize blood sugar control by minimizing large appetite-driven carb intake at the next scheduled meal.



  1. Monitoring with SIBIONICS GS1 CGM

The SIBIONICS GS1 Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) System empowers users to gain valuable insights into how their activities and meal sequencing impacts glucose levels. Its discreet, wearable sensor transmits interstitial fluid glucose readings every 5 minutes for up to 14 days continuously without scanning or finger pricks.



In summary, thoughtfully sequencing carbohydrate, protein and fat sources according to basic food combining principles provides a natural means of stabilizing blood glucose swings. Fine-tuning meal patterns tailored to individual needs, as observed through SIBIONICS CGM solutions, can significantly aid diabetes self-care and control without major dietary changes or constraints. With patience and monitoring, enjoyable balanced eating remains achievable.



Q: Does the order you eat your food affect blood sugar?

A: Yes, the order in which you eat your food can affect blood sugar levels. Consuming certain foods, such as proteins and healthy fats, before carbohydrates can help slow down the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream, potentially leading to more stable blood sugar levels.

Q: What are the benefits of food sequencing?

A: Food sequencing can offer several benefits, including better blood sugar control, reduced risk of blood sugar spikes, improved satiety, and enhanced overall nutrient absorption.

Q: What is the best order to eat for blood sugar control?

A: A recommended order for blood sugar control is to start with proteins and healthy fats, followed by fiber-rich carbohydrates. This sequence can help minimize blood sugar spikes and promote more stable glucose levels throughout the day.

Q: Should diabetics eat protein first?

A: Yes, diabetics should aim to consume protein-rich foods before or with carbohydrates at meals since protein helps stabilize blood sugar. Good options are eggs, nuts, seeds, meat, fish, yogurt etc.

Q: How long until food sequencing helps lower A1C?

A: Most see a 0.5-1.0% A1C drop within 3-6 months. Be consistent, record patterns, and work with your healthcare team to personalize your plan over 6+ months to achieve ideal A1C goals.

Q: Which meal is most important to sequence properly?

A: Breakfast is a key meal to concentrate on sequencing carbs and proteins 30+ minutes apart due to morning dawn phenomenon raising glucose levels.

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